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Equipping and Educating

What is Faith Prescriptions®

FaithRx, was created for Christian healthcare professionals who understand that excellent care is not the end goal, but the means to the true goal: to glorify God.

New to the resources provided by the CMDA is a video series called “Faith Prescriptions®” ("FaithRx“). This  multi-part video series (featuring 10 core sessions) provides training on everything from LGBTQ issues in the healthcare arena, to how to pray with your patients, and sharing your faith in ethical and appropriate ways with colleagues and patients.

It is inspired by the program Grace RX, which has been in circulation for several years on DVD. However, this new, updated, improved series will be video-on-demand and free to CMDA members as a benefit and part of CMDA’s commitment to equipping resilient followers of Christ in healthcare.

Watch this full-length episode of Faith Prescriptions - Episode 2 here:

The Case for Practicing Medicine Christianly - Part 1

Our identity in Christ is the foundation for our efforts to provide excellent care for our patients. Any attempt to artificially separate our faith from our professional lives will be detrimental to both our well-being and that of our patients. Our faith may make us a bit “different” from our colleagues, but this is a difference that God can use for His glory.

Farr Curlin, MD

Dr. Curlin is a Josiah Trent Professor of Medical Humanities and Co-Director of the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke University. Dr. Curlin received his B.A. and M.D. degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At Duke, Dr. Curlin practices hospice and palliative medicine, and he works with colleagues across the university to develop opportunities for education and scholarship at the intersection of theology, medicine and culture. He has authored more than one hundred and thirty articles and book chapters dealing with the moral and spiritual dimensions of medical practice. Dr. Curlin’s work focuses on the relevance of religious ideas and practices for the doctor-patient relationship, the moral and professional formation of clinicians, and care for patients at the end of life. Dr. Curlin has been a CMDA member since 2006.

Watch Our Most Recent Episode

FaithRx, was created for Christian healthcare professionals who understand that excellent care is not the end goal, but the means to the true goal: to glorify God. Our latest episode “Faithfulness in Opposition” features Dr. David Levy, a retired neurosurgeon in San Diego, California.

Start a Faith Prescriptions® Group

Faith Rx is best enjoyed as a group – the discussion questions after each video can launch like-minded healthcare professionals into a spirited, edifying time of application of each episode. Click the button below for some insightful resources to help get your group launched!


Faith Prescriptions is free to CMDA members and simply requires your member login and password to access all sessions, as well as all video training sessions within the CMDA Learning Center. If you are ready to get started, click here:

Faith Prescriptions is available to non-members for a fee. However, to watch the free introduction session simply requires you to create a free CMDA account. Follow the prompts to create your profile and look for the email to confirm, then click here: